Timelapse: Breakwater Park

I haven’t used my GoPro much since I tried out long exposures (here and here), and it’s probably because it’s quite a chore to setup. Fiddling around with the mounts and configuring them for different scenarios is enough of a hindrance.

Not so minimalist.

But I plan on using it again, and more often, since my brother got me a new accessory for Christmas.

For now, let’s revisit an old timelapse that took a little over an hour to capture (from 6:46 to 8:07 AM).

After the video, I’ll tell you a couple of things I did to improve it.

You don’t see it in the video, but there were a lot of birds flying around. Since timelapses are essentially a series of photos taken on a set interval (e.g., every 1, 5, or 10 seconds), you can delete all the ones you don’t want.

In this case, I deleted all the photos with birds so they weren’t included in the final video.

Flock, be gone.

Birds, be gone.

In the image above, you can also see how distorted the horizon is compared to the video. This is where the GoPro Studio software comes in. There’s an option to remove the fisheye effect that is pretty much guaranteed with the GoPro’s wide lens. [1]

Do you timelapse? If so, what device do you use?

And if you want to check out more GoPro posts, find them here.


1. How Can I Remove the Distortion (Fisheye) Effect in GoPro Studio? (GoPro Support)

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