Photo-essay: Halloween on Frenchmen

Frenchmen Street is a popular destination to celebrate Halloween in New Orleans. The streets were packed with people, shoulder to shoulder. This certainly did help to keep warm with temperatures in the lower 50s. I usually don’t take my phone out at night, but I felt compelled to capture the costumes and atmosphere in all its grainy and out-of-focus glory.

Film Rekindled: Highlights From My Seventh Roll

They say the longer you sit on your photos, the more objective you become. Since there’s more time between when a shot is taken and reviewed, selecting the best ones to share should be an easier task. Although a photo’s success is mostly subjective, I think the process of selecting which photos to share will help build my editing muscle. That is, over time I hope to become more ruthless with my selections and be more willing to “kill my babies.”  With that said, I’m going to only show 12 out of 24 images from each roll going forward.  The ones not chosen won’t be relegated to my hard drive forever though; they may show up as part of a larger project in the future.

This set has photos dating back to the French Quarter Festival in April and a couple of shots taken in Washington, D.C. in May. All photos were taken on another roll of Fuji Superia 400 with my Canon Rebel X and 50mm lens.


View more from this project here.

Film Rekindled: Highlights From My Second Roll

This time around, I shot with a roll of Fujifilm Superia X-TRA 400. I made sure to set the ISO on the camera to match the speed of the film — something I forgot to do for the first roll.  There were definitely more keepers  — possibly because it’s relatively easier to shoot with color film.  Either way, I may just order scans next time around. That didn’t cross my mind until I realized how much I was paying for prints. Also, a film I plan to use in the near future — Kodak Portra 400 — was made for scanning. I used a spreadsheet on Google Drive to record the exposure settings displayed beneath each photo.

f/4.5 | 1/2000 sec | 50mm

f/4.5 | 1/2000 sec | 50mm

It was a clear and sunny day at Porsche Club of America’s High Performance Driver’s Education event at NOLA Motorsports Park this fall. The owner nicely stepped aside to allow me to take a photo of his 911. Love the interior.

f/5.6 | 1/10 sec | 80mm

f/5.6 | 1/10 sec | 80mm

I swung by the Roosevelt Hotel New Orleans to check out their always wonderful Christmas decorations. The entire lobby was lined with lights; this made for a good bokeh shot.

f/5.6 | 1/1000 sec | 80mm

f/5.6 | 1/1000 sec | 80mm

A Triumph Bonneville I spotted while strolling downtown. I always forget to take photos in portrait orientation.

f/5.6 | 2 sec | 80mm

f/5.6 | 2 sec | 80mm

From the background to the foreground: 8th-gen Honda Civic, Acura RSX, 1st-gen Toyota Celica, and 2nd-gen BMW 3-series — evidence that taste does change over time. This shot was taken indoors and I used a tripod since it was a 2-second exposure.

Check out more from Film Rekinded here.