Photo-essay: Creative Feast at the Ogden

Despite being a native New Orleanian, I’ve never been to the Ogden Museum. It was the last day for a PhotoNOLA exhibition called Self Processing: Instant Photography. And although I was eager to see the instant photographs and cameras, the museum itself provided a creative feast both outside and in.

This is the renowned ‘Before I die’ wall, where visitors may express something from their bucket list. Fortunately, the rain from the day before left a puddle.


Going up.

Frame in frame, rectangles, and squares.

Silhouette and shadow.

This is where admission stickers go when you leave.

Photo-essay: Exhibit BE

I’ll be the first to admit I’m not in-the-know when it comes to the street art scene here in New Orleans. About an hour before the doors opened today, my girlfriend mentioned me in an Instagram post. Once I saw “giant street art installation” and “old apartment building,” I knew I had to see it for myself.  It was what I had expected and more. I aimed to capture the artworks that spanned multiple levels, the decay of the apartment units, the intricate details, and the people that came to enjoy one of the largest street art galleries in the South.

Photo-essay: Halloween on Frenchmen

Frenchmen Street is a popular destination to celebrate Halloween in New Orleans. The streets were packed with people, shoulder to shoulder. This certainly did help to keep warm with temperatures in the lower 50s. I usually don’t take my phone out at night, but I felt compelled to capture the costumes and atmosphere in all its grainy and out-of-focus glory.